October 8, 2011

Quick Trip to South Dakota

On Thursday DH and I made a quick trip to Hot Springs, SD.  While there I visited HeartSong Quilts.  I was greeted by shop owner Ann holding a basket full of chocolate goodies, yum.  My eye went straight to the Australian Aboriginal fabrics but didn't stop there.  Ann has stocked her shop with notions any quilter could need or want, books, and bolts upon bolts of fabric.  Since I have too many UFOs I resisted and didn't purchase any fabric but learned I can order online - YES!  When you visit the Black Hills of South Dakota look up HeartSong Quilts.
During my high school years I lived in Omaha, NE.  Yes, Omaha is on the banks of the Missouri River and offers some scenery but I found once I headed west it was flat as a pancake.  Well, on our trip back to Chama we decided to head south on the back roads and I found western Nebraska to be beautiful and not flat.  Wish I had remembered the camera sooner but here are a few pictures I took.

Our trip was pretty much uneventful until we got just south of Punkin Center, CO where we had a blow out.  Thank God for road side assistance!  While waiting for the tire to be changed and enjoying the beauty fo the Plains, I noticed how beautiful the field was we were parked next to and had to take a picture to share.
We had new tires put on in La Junta, CO and thought the only thing we had to worry about driving up the mountains would be wild life, but NO we had SNOW for the last 150 miles.  YUCK!!!!!  We made it home safe and sound and now we are enjoying the beautiful fall colors of northern New Mexico.


  1. What a beautiful travelog of parts of the country most of us will never see.

    Sorry about the blow out...glad you were OK...frightening!!!

  2. I have always wondered what causes a blow out??? glad you are home safe and sounds but since misery loves company am somewhat dissapointed that you didn't sucumb to fabric temptation!!! lol


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